Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How to Clear Six Kids from a Room.. Fast! (AKA How to Make Kale Chips)

One of the challenges that a mom-to-many children faces is how to ensure that each and every little darling feels loved, special, and unique. One of the ways I try to make this happen is to make a special food sometimes that one of the children loves even if the others don't.  For my fifth child and fourth daughter Melodey Grace one of those special things is Kale Chips. I first introduced my family to Kale Chips last year while I was on a weight-loss program. To be honest with you I never thought I would eat such a thing let alone try to get my children to eat it. Surprisingly half of the children did like it and I did too; it's great for snacking and really good for you, too!

Now, I would be sincerely remiss if I didn't first warn you about some things you should be aware of before attempting to make kale chips. Do not plan to make them if you are expecting anyone to come to your house, or if your husband is about to come home for lunch (oops), or if your home is located very close to another home and your windows are open. Trust me. You just don't want to. Unless you are a health freak or you have a strange olfactory condition that causes you to be unable to smell anything or you have a little darling that you really want to please you may just want to find another resource from which to obtain kale chips. If you are one of the aforementioned people then here's how to make them:

Start with the following ingredients: a head of well-washed kale, olive oil, and salt.

Preheat the oven:

Dump the kale into a big bowl and drizzle 2 Tablespoons of olive oil over it.

Then use your hands to toss the kale and olive oil together.

Spread it out on a baking sheet or maybe two if you're ambitiously hopeful like I am that ALL the kids are going to love kale THIS TIME.

At this point you can LIGHTLY salt the kale if you want. I said it like that cause I ignored that part and let's just say next time I won't even add any until it's done and then salt to taste.

Place the sheet(s) into the preheated oven and set the timer for ten minutes.

Wait about 1-2 minutes. This is the point where you should realize that you have the kitchen to yourself and possibly even the whole house.....

Sit down and enjoy your favorite Gooseberry Patch cookbook while having  20 minutes to yourself for the first time in about ten years.... But don't forget to get up in ten minutes to turn the kale...

Let it cook for ten more minutes after turning it and then take it out and let it cool. Move it to a plate and light a nice candle.

Start hollering for all the kids to come-n-get-it!!!

When they all come tromping  back inside try hard to convince your two littlest kids that you just made something really yummy that's gonna make em grow as big as your 9 year old overnight!!!

Take goofy pictures of the two littlest kids trying to pretend that they like kale.

Watch anxiously for your little darling that loves kale chips and when she comes running in show her the yummy plate of deliciousness that you made just for HER.

Enjoy the "Thanks mommy I feel so special" smile that she bestows upon you and snap a picture of it to remember on another not so smiley day...

Get back to the work of the day in your fruity-candley-smelling house and bask in the happiness of  making someone happy.

Leave the plate of kale out on the table for the "kids" to pick on all day. Reap the added benefit of a great big (yet private) laugh for yourself later that afternoon when your special little darling of the day skips in and grabs a big handful of kale and yells "Thanks so much Mommy for making me this green KELP stuff!! Can I please  have some more??

Smile sweetly and say "yes, sweetie, you can go ahead and finish it ALL up, if you like."

Wash the empty plate feeling content in the knowledge that at least one of your six children ate a vegetable today without coercion. Write the two words kelp and kale in the kids vocabulary notebook for the next school year.

Thanks for visiting!

Kale Chips Recipe link:

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